Merit Badge Academy
Merit Badge Academy - Camp Shands
Who: Open to all registered Scouts, Venturers,
and Sea Scouts
What: Merit Badge Academy
Where: Camp Shands 1453 Baden Powell Rd.
Hawthorne, FL 32065
When: March 24 –26, 2023
Cost: $20.00 (Some Merit Badges may have additional program cost)
Register: Space limited to 250 participants
Contact: Eli Rivera at or 904-589-5754
We are happy to invite you to our in-person Merit Badge Academy to take place the weekend of March 24-26, 2023 Come Join us for a Weekend of Learning, Fun and Competitions.
- Some requirements may not be able to be completed.
- Review Class Prework if any is assigned
- Units are required to provide their own meals during the duration of the event
- No Provisional Camper registration will be allowed - Units must provide leadership during the event - Min of 2 adults per unit.
- Lone Scouts may participate but must be accompanied by parents and/or Lone Scout Counselor
Class Descriptions and Prerequisites
2025 March Merit Badge Fair March 28, 2025 to March 30
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